These are a few of our favorite quotes

"where the wives of the Trojans and their lovely daughters washed the clothes to shining, in the old days, before the coming of the sons of the Achaians"- Homer (TDog)

Saturday, February 4, 2017

I Am Unconsoled :(

So I am still slogging through this monstrosity....ughh!! I probably have been reading too may YA and Middle Grade titles to appreciate something like The Unconsoled. It is just an incredibly frustrating read. I absolutely hate the obtuseness of the narrator. He doesn't have any idea of what is going on yet never seeks to clear the picture at all. I was talking to my wife about it and mentioned that it was completely kafkaesque. My son overheard the conversation and said the plot was directly taken from a scene in a Kafka novel. So maybe if I was more up on my Kafka I would appreciate it more.
Two other books on my bedside are Barbara Tuchman's March of Folly, about the self destructive behavior of great nations throughout history, and Autobiography of a Face by  Lucy Grealy that Jennifer Mann suggested when I went on a rant about how ludicrous and false I found Wonder to be.

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