These are a few of our favorite quotes

"where the wives of the Trojans and their lovely daughters washed the clothes to shining, in the old days, before the coming of the sons of the Achaians"- Homer (TDog)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

At Least It's Over.

So I don't know how he did it but Ishiguro got me to read all four hundred and something pages. Wow. At he end the narrator seems still to not know where he is and neither do I. The book has about 6 major storylines-none of which are satisfactorily concluded. Funny, there are so many books I've been wanting  to read and talk about that having to invest so much time on this one was incredibly irritating. My final verdict is that if you have plenty of time to invest in a frustrating read, step on up to The Unconsoled.

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